Friday, October 30, 2009

Shreveport- Round 2

Last night Shreveport had another horrible storm blow through. Last year, the same thing happened.

My brother's house backs up to a bayou and last year his car flooded... his car that he had for one week... water up to the windshield.... totaled the car. Yesterday he was smart enough to move his car across the street to higher and dryer land. His car was fine, but his street still flooded. Neighbors cars were just floating down the street.

A good friend of ours house flooded last year (their house backs up to a bayou, as well). After months and months of living at our grandparents house (which is empty), they got to move back into their house, which was now repaired. Well, you guessed it, last night it flooded again... and they had to call the fire dept. to rescue them!

Here is a link to more damage:

We are praying for everyone in Shreveport and hoping that all of our friends and family are keeping dry!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I am home sick today and watching all the news and was thinking of you all. Glad no one got hurt.
