Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Injury

After our Kindermusik class yesterday, I took Charlie to the playground behing our house. (Music is also at that church... convenient!) This is a playground that we regularly play at, but haven't quite mastered all of the elements, apparently. Last week I was shocked to see that Charlie could climb up these round steps they have to the tall platform to go down the slide. (This platform is taller than I am, so pretty tall for such a little guy.) Yesterday I was standing there, but wasn't "spotting" as much as I should have been because he had done it fine last week and twice yesterday before said injury. He went up fine, put one foot on the landing and missed with the other foot. He fell face down onto the soft wood chips with his legs in a "hurky" position. I was more concerned with a head/neck injury more than anything due to his bloody lip. I immediately carried him home where it was obvious that he was not disoriented, but wouldn't put pressure on his left leg. The fall occurred at 11 am and I let him nap (on top of me to make sure no vommitting began) from 11:30-1:30 in hopes that he would wake up walking just fine. Not so much. He kept grabbing his leg and saying, "Uh-oh, hurts." I called our pediatrician's office who said they would have the nurse call back. By the time she did, we were already at Primacare and she said to just stay there. We were at Primacare for 1.5 hrs. just to be told that they couldn't help us and to go to the E.R. Another call to our pediatrician directed us to Medical City since they have a Pediatric E.R. We entered the hospital at 4:00pm and left at 10:30pm. During that time it was determined that Charlie "probably" has a fractured tibia and that we need to follow-up with a Pediactric Bone Specialist today to confirm. So, here is what we have now:

Our appointment is at 2pm today. Charlie still will not even attempt to put pressure on his leg. More to come soon.


  1. Poor Boo! That looks pretty familiar right there though, from when you were about that age.

  2. I think you should have named this post, "Oh, Boys." No worries, he'll be jumping around in his cast in no time.

  3. OH no!! Agreed with Andrea, though - Erik saw this and said, "huh, boys." Hope he is on the mend soon. And, was he trying to impress the orthopedic guys with his cute outfit with the saws?
