Friday, May 11, 2012

Thankful for...

In regards to Collier... while I'm taking his ITP a little hard, there is much to be thankful for.

1. That his body knew something was wrong and showed signs of petechiae which prompted me to take him to the doctor in the first place.  I tried to take a picture of his petechiae with my iPhone... it's above.

2. Something I am continuously grateful for is that it's not cancer... and that his white blood count has continued to be in the normal range.

3. That we live in a city with a fabulous Children's Hospital and for our team of highly qualified hematologists that are completely on top of our case.

4. For Collier's age.  Many times when he gets his blood drawn he is happy and smiley through the whole process.  That Collier is not yet mobile or very active... less threat of head injury!  (If it were Charlie, I can see that this would be a problem.)

5. That I decided to stay home this year and that Collier is not in a daycare setting or under the supervision of anyone but me.  I don't have to deal with the "what if something happened and I wasn't there" aspect or decision making. 

6. For my group of college girlfriends.  All of us are, in some way, in professions that deal with children with problems.  They "get" that this is a big deal and see it for face value.  I so appreciate them and their support.

So, whenever I am feeling down that my 5 1/2 month old's bone marrow isn't functioning properly I will come back and refer to this list and find peace in the thankfulness of all of it.      


  1. I'm praying for you, Jen, & sweet Collier & your family. I hope his white blood count stays normal & that you continue to have answers for what's going on!

  2. what an amazing example you are to your kids! looking for the positives in a tough situation - how impressive!!

  3. I like this attitude! And we are thankful for you and Collier...and all 7000 of those platelets! I bet the beach adds 5,000 easy....
