Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Charlie's up, Jen and Patrick are down

Charlie is feeling much better. He has kept everything down since 3pm on Monday and didn't run any fever yesterday. But, he still has diarrhea, so we are having to keep him home. I was supposed to go to work today, so we arranged for Ann (Babo) to watch him, but then the bug hit me last night during dinner. Patrick had it yesterday, but his fever broke overnight and he is doing much better. When Patrick dropped Charlie off at the Allen's he discovered that they both have it, as well. Great! So, that now makes 10 people have gotten this bug by being in contact with young Charlie... the triplets, Aunt Jennifer, Jay and his girlfriend, Genna, Patrick, myself, and now Ann and Bob. (SO SORRY TO ALL OF YOU!!) Makes me wonder where Charlie picked it up from!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jennifer! I am so glad you found us - its so much fun to keep up with everyone this way! I was just reading your stomach bug blogs this week and then, bam, my clan came down with the same darn thing! Once everyone is well, we need to have a playdate!!
