Friday, March 12, 2010

A week of changes

Daycare changes: Last week Charlie got moved up to the "Steppers" class. It was NOT a smooth transition. He now gets dropped off in the "Big Room" rather than his individual classroom. In this "Big Room" are kids his age up to about 5 years old. Patrick said he would put Charlie on the floor and Charlie would hug his legs and start bawling because he didn't want to go in. Poor baby. He would hand him off to a teacher, still crying, and hear him continue crying as Patrick walked around the corner. Today, Patrick said he dropped him off and Charlie walked straight to his teacher to give her a hug and then turned around and waived to him and said "bye-bye"... much improvement since last week! In this new classroom, they have already dropped Charlie's morning nap, so now he sleeps 2 hours in the afternoon and that's it. This is a BIG change... especially since he has been waking up at 5:30am for the last couple of days. His teacher even said that yesterday he started falling asleep twice in the morning time and they had to put on music to get him up and moving. Tired little man. The only other change at daycare is that now he has to walk to and from the cafeteria and the playground. Last week he would just sit on the floor and cry when this would happen. They say that this week he will walk with everyone but seems confused as to where to go. I'm sure this will take some time.

Changes at home: we have officially dropped the bottle and formula! Yay! This has been a really easy transition. I literally just didn't give him a bottle after his first birthday and he has done fine with sippy cups. He is getting enough whole milk, water and the occasional apple juice and is still eating really well. Now, for the difficult transition. Charlie typically gets dinner around 5pm and is in bed (and asleep) by 6pm. This isn't really conducive to anyone else's schedule, so I have moved everything back an hour. Thank goodness it's been nice outside because we can just play outside until I feed him at 6pm. This schedule change has taken some adjusting to, but I think he is getting the hang of it.

That's it for the changes... sure does seem like a lot all in one week!


  1. He's such a big boy-he'll get it soon I bet. Plus I bet he lenghtens his 1 nap too. Don't forget about the time change this weekend too...does the adjusting of the schedule every stop?

  2. Yes, a big boy! It is amazing how fast they adapt. Ellen does better at school now than she does at home! She had school pictures this week and I got them back and thought, "who is this big girl?"

  3. Poor Patrick! Difficult drop offs are the worst! Glad everything is getting easier!
