I am so sorry it has taken us this long to get out an update, but we've had an eventful few days:
Hospital visitors: Thanks to everyone who came and visted us in the hospital. We have some great pics of my aunts, the granparents, Michael, Jay, Jess, Kathryn, Nat, Kasey, Hamiltons, and the Williams. And thank you to everyone who brought food and sent flowers. All of his was very appreciated! As was all of the phone calls, texts and emails.
Friday day and night: Charlie and I took a breastfeeding class, which was full of helpful hints. But, the instructor also made me feel guilty about not having Charlie "room-in" with us at night (during the days he was in our room from 6am-11pm). We hadn't been rooming in only because I was in so much pain. And I knew that in order to take care of Charlie, I had to take care of myself first, like being able to get up out of bed and pick him up... that would be step 1 and was something that I couldn't even attempt until Thursday night. So anyhow, Friday night was when Charlie got circumsized. Because of this (and because of the guilt), I felt like we could try and let Charlie "room-in" that night. Well, Charlie's curcumcision had some minor complications, so we had a nurse coming in every 15 min. to check it which lead me to think that maybe we should keep him in the nursery so that she can monitor him better. After much crying until about 2:30 am I gave in and let them take him to the nursery.
Saturday: We decided to come on home on Saturday, so that was a full day of sitting and waiting for the hospital to discharge both me and Charlie. We had our discharge class, Charlie saw the pediatrician, and Patrick and my dad packed up all of our belongings. We got home around 3:00 pm and immediately went to work starting to get Charlie accustomed to his new life at 9105 Aldwick. Patrick and I were both exhausted, so we didn't have any visitors come that day.
Saturday night: We had Charlie sleep in our room Saturday night, which went OK... not horrible, but not great either. Charlie was and is feeding like a champ (about an hour each feeding!), but the sleeping at night needs work. Saturday night he started off in his bassinet and then ended up rotating on and off of my and Patrick's chests. We figured that for that night our focus would be on getting him into a good feeding schedule, and we would work on the sleeping on Sunday night (and working on us not grabbing him every time he makes a peep. :)
Sunday: We had some TCU visitors who came and brought us lots of goodies. (Thanks Lukowski's and Greer's!) Shortly after their visit I started getting the shakes and my insides started REALLY hurting. We took my temp, and it was getting up to 101.4! So, we called the doctor and ended up having to make a trip up to the hospital. I, apparently have an infection on my incision and was given meds to help me out. Over night my fever broke and is consistently running around 98.4. I feel TONS better today.
Sunday night: Charlie slept with us again, since I was not completely mobile (getting in and out of bed REALLY hurts, but is getting better with time. So, he slept in a little bed bassinet in between us all night (thanks Jess for letting us borrow that!) He did great. We fed for about an hour each time and he would sleep between 2-3 hours between each feeding. And he would sleep in his little bed bassinet, not on our chests! Yay! I think he is slowly getting ready for his big boy bed.
Today has gone great. I am feeling much better, and Charlie is eating and sleeping so great. Patrick has been a HUGE help. He is definitely the more active parent right now. He brings him to me, I feed, he changes diapers, swaddles, cuddles, soothes, ect. We both agreed that at this time I need to focus on getting myself well, and he can take on Charlie duties! And, Hank came home today (thanks to the Allen's for keeping him for the last week). Hank likes to lick Charlie some but is mostly just intrigued with him. And, he's only jumped on my stomach twice! (We have lots to work on!).
OK- I'm off to another feeding. Here are some more recent pics: