Friday, February 26, 2010

Stats at 12 mths

Weight- 24.4 lbs; 74th %ile
Length- 31.5 inches; 92nd %ile
Head- 18.5 inches; 70th %ile

At 12 mths., Charlie still just has 7 teeth... although his 8th is moving in. He is full-on walking. He has become very attached to his luvie and has to have one or both in his hands at all times. On one hand he is very independant and likes to explore the house on his own. On the other hand, he has become dependant on both Patrick and I... if we leave the room, he cries. He still hasn't done this at daycare, so that is good. Speaking of daycare, Charlie gets moved up next week to a new classroom. In this classroom, the kids are expected to walk to and from the cafeteria in a line and eat at a "big kid" table. Charlie will still get a 30 min. nap in the morning, but they will try to drop that as quick as possible because the older kids in the class will still be having play time during his nap time. He'll continue to get a 2 hr. nap in the afternoon. Also in this new class, he will not be able to have his bottle at all. They have been practicing this all week in his current class and he has done great! Lots of changes are in store for our little man next week... we'll see how he does!

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