Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Charlie and I headed to Shreveport on Thursday afternoon to see my parents. Julie and the trips joined us late-night Thursday and Patrick came after work on Friday. It was a fun and busy weekend. We pretty much just hung around the house swimming, playing, napping and eating. Julie, Patrick and I got the occasional outings to go shopping and to dinner one night thanks to mom, dad and Aunt Helen. The following pics are of us attempting to get a group shot of the babies. Here they are practicing walking with the ring rope.

Charlie says "Where did everyone go?"

Getting ready for the group shot:

Finally, a good one. The triplets are all in the midst of singing Itsy, Bitsy Spider.

The following are just a few of my favorites of the triplets:


I'm gonna get your toes

Anyone want a kiss?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer, I am so glad Charlie, Jack and Kate are going to get to play in music class. I was just telling my mom about the triplets on our way home. See you next week!
