Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Final Pics of the Bump

Charlie is approximately 8 lbs. now and ready to come out and meet the world!
From The Growing Bump

From The Growing Bump

Monday, February 23, 2009

Emotions on a Roller Coaster

As I prepare for the last few hours before parenthood I am experienceing some confusing emotions. Part of me wishes that I had gone into labor naturally, so that it would have been a surprise and I wouldn't be on this roller coaster of emotions. The other part is thankful to have a plan so that I can at least, some what, know what to expect over the next few days. Here are some of the other emotions I am going through:

1) Hallelujah!! Bed rest is almost over and I can actually start doing things for myself and others in the near future!
2) Anticipation/anxiousness: This has been a long 9 months... I'm ready to get it over with.
3) Sadness: this is the last night where it is just Patrick and me in our house. Over the next 48 hours our whole lives, as we know them, will become completely different. (I know, I know- it will be for the better!)
4) Overwhelmingly excited to meet our son... this little being that we have created together! I'm already tearing up at the thought of it.
5) Scaredness and confidence all in one. I put these together because I flip-flop from minute to minute. I think "Holy night, what have we done? We're going to be parents? What where we thinking?" to "We can totally do this. Think of how many other people we know that have done it. We are going to be the best parents ever!"
6) And finally, Patrick and I are constantly thinking about Julie and Manny and the triplets. While I think I could handle twins or even trips, I am thankful that we just have one on the way. God knew what he was doing when He decided that!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Plan

So, we are still on for next Wednesday. My OB has restricted my bed rest once again to doing NOTHING but laying on my side since apparently I can't even sit up and eat a sandwich without my blood pressure rising. Boo! But, at least there is an end in sight. Patrick and I will "check in" to the hospital on Tuesday night at about 5:30 pm. I will be hooked up to my IV's and given some meds to, hopefully, start some progression. (I am still dilated just 2 cm and Charlie is still high as of today). My induction time is at 6 am on Wed., so we are first in line! I asked about the probability of me having a c-section. This has kind of been my thought process... if I can't even sit up without my BP spiking, how am I going to be able to go thru labor??? Dr. Speight says that I will be on meds to help the BP and that since I have already shown some progress that she will let me try, but that she's not going to let me have a long labor just to end in c-section. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Final Ultrasound

Patrick and I went for our 38 wk. ultrasound today. It's weird to think that the next time we see Charlie will not be on a TV screen, but actually in our arms! He is still looking great and is now weighing in at 7lbs 9oz! The doctor could not find any reason to induce early, so we are still on for Feb. 25 (7 days away!). My blood pressure is really spiking when I sit up and I am starting to have a constant dull headache, so I am trying to lay on my left as much as possible. We go tomorrow to my OB and will see what she has to say about all of this. Maybe we'll have our baby here before we think!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Growing Bump

A Little Progress

Patrick and I had an appointment this morning with our OB and it looks like a little bit of progress has been made. I am 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced, so this is exciting news! But... Charlie is still riding high, so we are still on for an induction date of Feb. 25. Other fun news is that the doctor gave me the OK to sit outside and eat lunch or dinner if it's a nice day. This is huge for my sanity!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

37 wk. update

Well, there is not much to report. Charlie's heartbeat is normal and everything looks great. He looks very smushed in there, though. So, I am hoping that he will decide to come out soon and meet his momma and daddy! He did give us a quick sneak peak of his face during the ultrasound (something he hasn't done in the last 2 weeks), but then quickly covered it up with his hand. And, he must really like his feet because during most of our ultrasounds he has both feet smushed right up against his little face. At least we know that if nothing happens on his own, we will be induced on Feb. 25... let the 2 week countdown begin!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"You're too normal to be here."

Due to my high blood pressure (HBP) I not only see my regular OBGYN, but I also see a paranatologist (my high-risk doctor) regularly. The risks of having HBP is potentially having a low birth weight baby and/or having a higher risk of getting preclampsia/eclampsia/toxemia. Because of all of this, Patrick and I get to have tons of ultrasounds. In a typical pregnancy, the couple will have an ultrasound around the 8 wk. mark to see the heartbeat and then around 20 wks. to check gender and make sure that all of the babies organs are functioning properly. For a "high risk" pregnancy here is what you get:

Luckily, our "high risk" pregnancy has gone off without a hitch! Baby Charlie has consistantly been about 2 weeks ahead of schedule in weight and all ultrasounds have been perfectly "normal". In fact, our doctor made the comment at 34 weeks "You're way to normal to be here." We go back tomorrow for our 37 wk. ultrasound and will have more updates then!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

36 wk. update

My ultrasound was great. Charlie's heartbeat is right on track and everything is looking good. He is weighing in at a whopping 6lbs 11ou! He's a big little man. (He takes after his daddy in this department. Patrick was close to a 10lber when he was born. Thanks Patrick!) My doctor says that we are still on track for a 39wk. due date on Feb. 25. My cervix is doing NOTHING at this point, so it is still bed rest at home for me!