Monday, April 20, 2009

Good Bye Mr. Bumper

Two nights this week I have found Charlie in a different spot than where I had left him. At 8 weeks, Charlie is now mobile enough to scoot himself around in his crib. So, what used to look like this:
Now looks like this:
I am so glad we paid money to have a bumber for 2 months!

And because our little houdini is breaking free from his swaddle (refer to the picture above) we have decided to move from swaddles to sleep saks. We tried it yesterday for a couple of naps before letting him wear it at night. The first nap did NOT go well, but by last night he had it down and slept through the night with no problem.


  1. I feel your pain sister. Be glad you are doing it now. You will like being able to peek in at him through the crib slats!

  2. Sad isn't it. So cute and such a waste. I have yet to find another use for ours-hopefully someone else may be able to put it to good use. Emily-hope for a boy!
