Thursday, April 15, 2010

Incident Reports

It's never a good day when I go and pick up Charlie from daycare and am handed an "Incident Report". This has happened four times in the past three weeks. Uh-oh! Charlie typically comes home with bumps and bruises that no one thought much of. I get it. He's a toddler. Bumps and bruises are part of the game.

First "incident report" was because he fell down and hit his forehead. I thought maybe it was the new pair of Crocs I put on his feet that morning.

A couple of days later, I get the second "incident report". He fell backwards and hit his head and had to be monitored for the rest of the day for a concussion. They said it was so loud and it vibrated the floor. Ouch! That day he was wearing his New Balances. OK, maybe it's not the shoes. Maybe it's the kid!

Last week, the third "incident report" was awaiting me. But before that, I had gotten a call from the director telling me that Charlie had taken a fall outside and ended up with a bloody nose. She had kept him in her office until the bleeding stopped. OK... definitely the kid! Bless him, he gets his clumsiness from his momma! I told her that the same thing had happened a couple of months ago on my watch and to the same nostril. She said some kids have a thin mucous membrane in their nose and that this will likely continue to be a problem.

Yesterday was the fourth "incident report". This time it wasn't self induced. Instead, turns out that one of Charlie's classmates is a biter. Whoever he/she is got Charlie pretty good on his right hand. I bet Charlie wasn't too happy about that!

Stay tuned. I am sure that there will be many more "incident reports" to be had!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Poor Charlie!
    Ellen likes to bite me from time to time, but I am SO hoping she won't be the school biter!
