Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What a Weekend

I enjoyed a very enjoyable, much-to-quick, weekend in Sonoma with my college girlfriends. The views where unbeatable:

The company was some of my most favorite:

And the meals where some of the best I've ever eaten:

Now, back to reality:

Check out my friend, Molly's blog, for a complete run-down of the trip. And my friend, Carrie's, for some interesting conversations that took place over the weekend.

P.S.- Thank you to Julie for taking Charlie to Shreveport for the weekend. And thanks to my family for keeping him happy and safe!


  1. And just to make sure someone says it...you totally know your kid is not supposed to put a plastic bag on his head, right?

  2. It was just on quick enough to snap some pics... then off and in the trash.

  3. that's good-I'm just saying that with the cast it could have wound up on CPS's website...
