Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Charlie Update at 2 months

We had our 2 mth. appointment and shots today. Overall, it went really well. Charlie's stats are now: 11.15 lbs (50%); 23.75 in. (75%); and 50% for head size. Just yesterday I went through all of his clothes that he has outgrown... we are now onto 3-6 mth clothes mainly because his tourso is so long! I even bought a cute little smocked outfit this past weekend that was 0-3 mths thinking that we could get at least 4 weeks out of it... but, due to his length we won't be able to wear it once. I guess cousin Cooper is in luck! About the shots... poor little Charlie. His face got sooo red and he was definitely "sad Charlie" and now he is passed out. The good news is that he LOVED the oral meds they gave him. He couldn't get enough! They supposedly taste similar to baby Tylenol, so we should be good to go when I have to give him that.

In other news, Patrick and I have just started the "Crying it Out" (CIO) method with Charlie. It's confusing because some books say that babies aren't able to sooth themselves until 4 mths of age, so why would I want to let him CIO knowing that he might just get himself so worked up that he's hard to console? Some books also say that giving a baby a paci will help him to sooth himself. (So, give him a paci, right?) But, when that paci falls out of his mouth, every 10 min., it gets really difficult to keep going in there and putting it back into his mouth. Other books say to start the CIO process as early as 1 week of age! So, anyhow... we decided to give it a try. I've read that if you are going to let him CIO you have to do it whole heartedly and EVERY time you put him down for naps/bedtime. Charlie's naps were rough yesterday, but by bedtime he cried for 30 minutes and then just tuckered out! So, now, I know he can do it and the plan is to continue to let him CIO and pray that the crying time decreases. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. If Ellen and Charlie had a baby it would be normal sized! (Ellen is 50% weight, 25% height and 50% head!) I'm glad his shots went OK - the anticipation is almost worse than the reality. I wish you lots of LUCK on the CIO! Have faith - it really does work and sooner than you would think. And, he will still love you. :) I know the books are confusing, but we have very smart children and they figure things out quickly. :) After doing the CIO again with the de-swaddling, I was SO glad that we did the bulk of the sleep training so much earlier. Have you tried different pacis? It doesn't solve all the issue, but I wish we would have done it sooner. Isn't parenting fun?
