Thursday, May 13, 2010


Charlie has discovered the doggy door. I mean, he's always noticed Hank going through it, but this week he has discovered that he can got through it, too. Uh-Oh. These pictures are from the first day he learned this new trick. He would start out:

Then get upset that he couldn't get back in:
So, I taught him that if you go out the doggy door you can also get in the doggy door. (Except, for some reason he gets stuck everytime he comes in so he cries until someone rescues him.)

A couple of stories: Last night I was getting his bath ready and he bolted out of the bathroom. (This is a nightly game... he runs, I chase.) When I went searching for him I found him outside grinning from ear to ear on the other side of the glass door. This morning he went out the doggy door and Patrick let him back in. He bee-lined it to his basketball, went back through the doggy door and began shooting hoops outside. I see this is beginning to be a problem.

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