Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Galveston- Part 1

We took our first official family trip last week. Charlie and I left Wednesday afternoon and picked up Patrick at the Houston airport before making our way down to Galveston. The trip down was pretty interesting. We left at around 3pm, which was after Charlie's nap, so I was looking at a good 4 hours of awake, trying-to-entertain-while-driving, Charlie. He was pretty good for about 2.5 hours and then he started getting pretty fussy. I gave him a snack to try and occupy him, but he choked a little bit and ended up throwing up on his shirt and the carseat. Awesome. With no good place to stop and the fact that it would soon be dinner time I kept on trucking in hopes of finding a Chick-fi-let. (Good parenting, I know.) My GPS lead me onto the tollway in Houston, which didn't have any food joints off of it, so I quickly exited since Charlie was even more upset than before. Once I stopped at the gas station and got Charlie out I realized that he had a massive poo that was the-worst-poo-of-all-time. Up the back, around the front, out the shorts. Great... no wonder he was so upset! So, after using approximately 10 wipes, throwing his shorts immediately into the trash, and changing him into PJs we were off is search of dinner. We picked up Patrick and headed down to the coast.
Neither of us have ever been to Galveston (I went twice in college, but stayed in houses that had beach front access), so we were surprised to find out that there really isn't much beach front access for condos. You have to cross a main street to get to the beach. Where we where wasn't much of a beach as it was rocks, so we had to drive to the beach everyday. Anywho, we figured out that even where the houses are, it is still a public beach, so we spent most of our time there. Nice, out of the way, and family friendly. Luckily, Charlie LOVED the beach and the ocean! He ran back and forth for hours on the sand and into the ocean. Patrick and I would take shifts "chasing" and relaxing.
We attempted to put up the tent hoping that Mr. C would nap at the beach. It was a no go.

Charlie carried his bucket and toys to and from the beach.
Patrick "burried" Charlie one day.
Our white, little man
I love this pic!
One of Charlie's favorite things to do was scoop up wet sand and throw it on Patrick and I. He could do this for hours.
Charlie stole some other kids truck. Nice.

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