Friday, June 5, 2009

And... we're IN!

If you remember the post about our "Daycare Delima", then you remember that our preferred daycare (that I had put our name on the waiting list a year in advance) had all filled up and that we were searching for other childcare options. We thought we had it all figured out... but upon closer inspection of contract to the new daycare we would have to agree to pay "X" amount of dollars for the next 10 months no matter what. This made me hesitate on getting our application in (especially since it was the priciest of daycares)... and I am so glad that I hesitated!! Earlier this week I emailed the director of the Lake Highlands Christian Childhood Enrichment Center just to double check that there was still no way of us getting in by August and to my surprise they called back with a spot for Charlie! We are thrilled... the daycare is literally right outside our backyard and tons of our friends go there. In fact, Charlie will start off in the same room as one of his little buddies that lives down the street. We are all super excited that the daycare situation has worked itself out!!


  1. HOORAY! Be sure and get them a deposit or whatever required to hold his spot ASAP! Seems that the demand is such that you can't afford not to. Can't wait to love on my little cuddly Charlie! Nana

  2. super!! Things do usually work out for the best!

  3. Deposit has been paid... spot secured!

  4. I guess the only downside is now you have to buy Charlie a horse-maybe he won't remember.
