Wednesday, February 4, 2009

36 wk. update

My ultrasound was great. Charlie's heartbeat is right on track and everything is looking good. He is weighing in at a whopping 6lbs 11ou! He's a big little man. (He takes after his daddy in this department. Patrick was close to a 10lber when he was born. Thanks Patrick!) My doctor says that we are still on track for a 39wk. due date on Feb. 25. My cervix is doing NOTHING at this point, so it is still bed rest at home for me!


  1. Glad it went well today and welcome to the world of blogging!

  2. Carrie beat me to it! I'm thrilled to have another blog to read!

  3. Glad everything is looking good and am even more glad that you have a blog so I can see sweet Charlie when he arrives!!!
