Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"You're too normal to be here."

Due to my high blood pressure (HBP) I not only see my regular OBGYN, but I also see a paranatologist (my high-risk doctor) regularly. The risks of having HBP is potentially having a low birth weight baby and/or having a higher risk of getting preclampsia/eclampsia/toxemia. Because of all of this, Patrick and I get to have tons of ultrasounds. In a typical pregnancy, the couple will have an ultrasound around the 8 wk. mark to see the heartbeat and then around 20 wks. to check gender and make sure that all of the babies organs are functioning properly. For a "high risk" pregnancy here is what you get:

Luckily, our "high risk" pregnancy has gone off without a hitch! Baby Charlie has consistantly been about 2 weeks ahead of schedule in weight and all ultrasounds have been perfectly "normal". In fact, our doctor made the comment at 34 weeks "You're way to normal to be here." We go back tomorrow for our 37 wk. ultrasound and will have more updates then!

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