Monday, February 23, 2009

Emotions on a Roller Coaster

As I prepare for the last few hours before parenthood I am experienceing some confusing emotions. Part of me wishes that I had gone into labor naturally, so that it would have been a surprise and I wouldn't be on this roller coaster of emotions. The other part is thankful to have a plan so that I can at least, some what, know what to expect over the next few days. Here are some of the other emotions I am going through:

1) Hallelujah!! Bed rest is almost over and I can actually start doing things for myself and others in the near future!
2) Anticipation/anxiousness: This has been a long 9 months... I'm ready to get it over with.
3) Sadness: this is the last night where it is just Patrick and me in our house. Over the next 48 hours our whole lives, as we know them, will become completely different. (I know, I know- it will be for the better!)
4) Overwhelmingly excited to meet our son... this little being that we have created together! I'm already tearing up at the thought of it.
5) Scaredness and confidence all in one. I put these together because I flip-flop from minute to minute. I think "Holy night, what have we done? We're going to be parents? What where we thinking?" to "We can totally do this. Think of how many other people we know that have done it. We are going to be the best parents ever!"
6) And finally, Patrick and I are constantly thinking about Julie and Manny and the triplets. While I think I could handle twins or even trips, I am thankful that we just have one on the way. God knew what he was doing when He decided that!


  1. YOU CAN DO IT!! And it is emotional and I think all of what you described is how we are going to be feeling the rest of our lives with these little ones.

  2. you will be a great mother!! so exciting. :)

