Friday, February 6, 2009

Shout out...

I wanted to thank all of my friends and family who have come to visit, called/emailed, brought gifts, and made/picked up dinners for Patrick and I while I have been on bed rest. It really means a lot to me that all of you have helped us during this time. I especially want to thank my Aunt Helen, who has been here for the past 2 weeks and have been keeping Patrick and I well fed with all of her Louisiana home cookin! We truly appreciate all that you have done. My mom got here Wednesday night and will be helping out until and after Charlie arrives. Thanks to all of you!


  1. I will second your shout out to Aunt Helen and an assist to Mrs. Jeanne.

  2. Hey, is Patrick going to give daily updates on the Rangers and Mavericks on this blog? The Newburg report is getting old.

