Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Plan

So, we are still on for next Wednesday. My OB has restricted my bed rest once again to doing NOTHING but laying on my side since apparently I can't even sit up and eat a sandwich without my blood pressure rising. Boo! But, at least there is an end in sight. Patrick and I will "check in" to the hospital on Tuesday night at about 5:30 pm. I will be hooked up to my IV's and given some meds to, hopefully, start some progression. (I am still dilated just 2 cm and Charlie is still high as of today). My induction time is at 6 am on Wed., so we are first in line! I asked about the probability of me having a c-section. This has kind of been my thought process... if I can't even sit up without my BP spiking, how am I going to be able to go thru labor??? Dr. Speight says that I will be on meds to help the BP and that since I have already shown some progress that she will let me try, but that she's not going to let me have a long labor just to end in c-section. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens!


  1. Tuesday night will be here before you know it! And, it is good that you have a plan and you and your doc are on the same page. I know you watched Julie go through it, but truly a c-section isn't too big of a deal if you don't labor for a long time first. You will do great whichever way he arrives, and it will all be worth it!

  2. I love the blog! I was going to call this afternoon after your appt, but now I know! Getting close now!!

  3. Did you ever know that you're my hero?

  4. The home stretch...'final drop' is in sight! Can't wait to see the little stinker!
    Aunt Helen
